Monday, 2 October 2017

Phoenix Struts His Stuff One More Time ...

Phoenix has long since retired but his owner, Beckie Lloyd, has kept him in fabulous condition and he came out to "play" in the Veterans classes at the 2017 National Specialty... and he won the WESC Veteran Sweeps!

Phoenix and Lindsey Cook had a blast in the ring!

Friday, 22 September 2017

Our Mick x Kess kids shine at the National Specialty!

Our Change Litter"Mick" (GCH Country Squire Center Stage) and "Kess" (CH Admiralty's The Gift) kids turned 6 months just 2 days before the National ...  These fun, leggy kids showed us a glimpse of what their futures may hold and helped dad win the Stud Dog Class.

Classy, Sterling and Poppy at 6 months old

"Sterling" Linwood Foreign Exchange - Winners Dog, National Specialty (Sep 14, 2017)
              - Winners Dog, WESC Host Specialty (Sep 16, 2017)
- Best of Opposite Sex, WESC Sweepstakes (Sep 15, 2017)
"Classy" Linwood Classical Change  - 1st place 6 - 9 months, National Specialty (Sept 15, 2017)
             - Best Puppy in National Specialty
             -1st place 6-9 months, WESC Sweepstakes 
             - 2nd place 6 - 9 months, WESC Host Specialty
"Poppy" Linwood Admiralty Changeling   - 2nd place 6 - 9 months, National Specialty
             - 3rd place 6-9 months WESC Sweepstakes
             - 1st place 6 - 9 months, WESC Host Specialty
"Charity" Linwood Admiralty Gift Exchange - 4th place 6 - 9 months, WESC Host Specialty

Special thanks to all the owners and handlers of these sweet pups! 

Classy, Sterling, Poppy
The BIG wins!  ...
Sterling - Winners Dog
Classy - Best Puppy

Poppy - 2nd 9-12 Puppy

And in the ring ...

Poppy, Charity, Classy

Poppy, Charity, Classy




See these guys at 8 weeks.

Classy wins BEST PUPPY at the 2017 National Specialty

"Classy" (Linwood Classical Change) won her very large 6-9mo girls class, with "Poppy" (Linwood Admiralty Changeling) - owned by Bj Kasiski - placing 2nd! Ultimately, Classy nudged out brother "Sterling" for Best Puppy in National Specialty! 

These kids are bred by Lin Sell and Lori Stewart and come from our Mick x Kess "Change" litter. 

"Classy" handled to BEST PUPPY by Lindsey Cook, under Judge: Wm Shelton

Cute in either direction!

Sterling Wins WINNERS DOG at the 2017 National Specialty!

What an exciting National we had! Never in our wildest dreams did we expect to do anything with our 6 month (and 3 days!) old puppies other than have fun in the ring. Man, were we wrong!!

First, "Sterling" (Linwood Foreign Exchange) - owned by Gordon Hayburn and Noreen Lorenz - won his large 6-9 mo puppy dog class and went on to defeat all the beautiful big dogs for Winners Dog for a 5 point major ... there was no one more surprised, or proud, than us!

Sterling "Linwood Foreign Exchange" winning WINNERS DOG at the 2017 National, under Judge: Richard Powell

Sterling is owned by Gordon Hayburn and Noreen Lorenz
Sterling in the ring at his very first show ... The National!

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Mason the "Bird Dawg"

Mason (Linwood Artwork Carved in Stone JH) 
wins prestigious Judges' Choice Award
at 2017 ESAA National Field Trial

(awarded to the dog they would most like to take home and hunt over)

Friday, 7 July 2017


Smudge.... aka CH Linwood Sunlight & Shadows

finished in high style going WB/BOW at
under Breeder/Judge Karen Corey

Handled to her previous points (incl Specialty wins) by Lindsey Cook

Thanks Sabrina Rundle for stepping up to handle her at KMESC!

Monday, 8 May 2017


Thanks One and All who Came, Helped, Critiqued and Snuggled 
the Mick x Kess Puppies this past weekend!!  
Here is the "Change" Litter:

(CH Country Squire Center Stage x CH Admiralty's The Gift)

Monday, 3 April 2017

PHOENIX Wins Best in Show!

At the ripe age of nearly 8 Phoenix got bored with retirement... 
He showed up a storm at the United German Shepard Alliance (UKC) winning 
Best Veteran in Show April 1st then 
BEST IN SHOW April 2nd!

BIS BISS A/C CH Linwood Resolute's New Beginning RN CGC

Piloted to these fabulous wins by Owner Beckie Lloyd

Friday, 24 February 2017

Smudge Debuts at the Winter Garden Specialties

"Smudge" - Linwood Sunlight & Shadows

positively SHINES her 1st weekend in the Ring!
7 judges = 5  1sts, 2  2nds & Best Puppy
Piloted by the awesome Lindsey Cook (8 Months Old)

Brother "Mason" - Linwood Artwork Carved in Stone
 wasn't too shabby himself!
5 Point Major Reserve & Best Puppy
Owner Deb Bach SAID she wanted a puppy who looked like Booty...

(GCH Esquire Fourwinds Travel'N Man x A/C CH Linwood Booty, Brains & Birdsense JH CGC)

Not to be outdone...
"Addie" - Linwood Additional Incentives

won a 5 POINT MAJOR at the Hudson ESC Specialty
Shown by Owner Amber Bach Gorman
(GCH Linwood Resolute's New Beginning RN CGC x CH Linwood Fringe Benefits MH BN CGC TDI)