Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Bene & Phoenix Puppies Stacked at 8.5 weeks

We had a great time at the grading party!  Thank you to everyone who attended and helped us sort out these fun babies.  Who would you keep? :)     BTW-  NO puppies available at this time.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

New Lessons Wear a Girl OUT!

Nothing cuter than a worn out puppy!  (Sorbet)

WOO HOO!  Potty Training in the SNOW!
Cowboy (prev. Columbus but he didn't like that name)

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Welcome Puppies!

Parents Phoenix and Bene announce the birth
 of 6 Girls & 1 Boy on Columbus Day!

A Very Attentive Mommy Bene

Dr. Marty Greer = the BEST VET EVER!
Marty's well oiled Team helping the babies into this world!

Monday, 25 August 2014

TWO Canadian CH - ONE Weekend!

Both Phoenix & Booty 
started & finished their Canadian Championships
over the weekend of the English Setter Club of Canada National!

Shown to perfection by Lindsey Cook!

Also BEST of BREED from the classes at the Specialty!

Saturday, 12 July 2014


Summer 2014 is Bene's turn to shine as the new
"Read To Rover" dog

It's a hard job but someone's GOT to do it....

Friday, 20 June 2014

BOOTY 's a MAJOR Winner

Winner's Bitch  &  Best of Winners
at WESC Specialty

Beautifully presented by Lindsey

3rd SPECIALTY Win for Phoenix in 2014!

Phoenix goes Best of Breed at the

prestigious WESC Specialty

under Breeder Judge Jack Gohde 

Exclusively with Lindsey 
Phoenix is America's #3 English Setter

Thursday, 17 April 2014

PHOENIX Rises to the TOP!

Phoenix BOB at Lone Star
 AGAIN at National Capitol Specialties!


(All-Breed & Breed Points)
 1st Quarter - 2014

Friday, 14 February 2014

PHOENIX wins big at WGS!

Breeder Judges Joan Savage & Jill Warren
recognize his quality

Phoenix awarded Select Dog & Award of Merit
at 2014 Winter Garden Specialties 

SPYRO wins Best Puppy at ESAA Specialty

Phoenix's 7 month old son has a great 2nd weekend
 at the Winter Garden Specialties!

Best Puppy AND Best Opp in Sweepstakes

Sunday, 19 January 2014

SPYRO's career starts with a BANG!

First weekend out...
Just 6 months old...

SPYRO wins Puppy Best in Show at the large Novi Cluster!

Resolute Kaska The Fire Within

 Presented by Lindsey Cook

Proud Papa Phoenix with Spyro