Monday, 27 August 2012

"Booty" loves her new field trainer...

Introducing...  "Linwood Booty, Brains & Birdsense"
(I mean no offense to my Gordon friends.... I've always admired your motto.
Isn't imitation the highest form of compliment?)

William Bastian (Claddagh Kennels) workin' his pigeon magic!

Storm (aka Lover Boy) Hitch Hikes North to Thunder Bay

Special Thanks to friends Courtney, Amy & Kaitlin 
for rides from Milwaukee to Duluth!  
Couldn't have done it without you!

Loving lotsa snuggles from the Godin Family

Storm and new "Best Buddy" Chase

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Puppet awarded 2011 Brood Bitch of the Year
by the English Setter Club of Canada!
(Am/Can CH Weymouth Linwood Merryonette CGC)
Young Puppet
12 Years Old